We Accept and Confront Challenges!

Business Transactions and Litigation – Where Business and Law Collide.

The essence of business is transacting, and as Lake Norman’s business friendly law practice, we are ready and equipped to handle the contractual needs of our region’s business owners and entrepreneurs. Business is a life blood of every successful community and we take great pride in fostering commercial relationships that allow our area to prosper.

It’s an unfortunate fact – but if one is involved in business long enough lawsuits are inevitable. We work with business clients to resolve their disputes through a creative and thoughtful approach aimed at providing the best overall value to the client. Each circumstance is unique but armed with experience and intuition, LNLF confronts the problem in a smart way every time.

Domestic Law and Family Disputes – Solving Tough Problems.

There is no tougher area of legal practice than family disputes. At Lake Norman Law Firm we become the client’s rock by objectively listening to the client’s needs and providing honest counsel aimed at achieving the client’s goals. Tested and ready, we know how to disassociate emotion from difficult family conflicts, provide meaningful counsel, and stay the course – side by side with the client.

Whether your issue is a simple divorce, or more involved such as child custody, child support, spousal support, and property distribution, Lake Norman Law Firm has the knowledge and proficiency to advise and achieve results for the client while respecting the interests of the larger family dynamic.

High Asset Divorce Cases – within the family law dynamic, perhaps no area of practice requires more attention to detail, skill, and familiarity than a marital separation when a significant estate is on the line. In many cases, the client’s future livelihood is at stake. For years, Lake Norman citizens fled to Charlotte for representation with these important matters, but Lake Norman Law Firm is equipped to handle these difficult cases and provide value by keeping the client close to home. To ensure that the client’s property rights are protected and preserved, we focus on preparation early in the process and utilize creative dispute resolution techniques to avoid huge legal bills and ongoing delay.

Family Disputes – conflict within a family is not always exclusive to marital issues. Unfortunately, such disagreements arise within the extended family in the context of Will Disputes or Real Property Issues. Lake Norman Law Firm is trial ready in these special proceedings and offers a unique level of experience with the laws and legal processes associated with Will Caveats having litigated multiple cases. Likewise, we take time to understand the larger family dynamic and have experience managing cases that involve several players with varying personalities and divergent needs.

Asset Protection and Estate Planning – Keep Your Stuff and Plan for the Future.

You earned your wealth! We want you to keep it! At Lake Norman Law Firm, we’re proud of your success, so let us help you protect your assets. Nothing pleases us more than to put together a creative and comprehensive plan to protect our successful community member’s assets. We know as well as anyone – we live in an overly litigious society; and during a time when economic volatility is a major concern for our producers and risk takers. However, we can help successful clients protect against overzealous litigants and economic uncertainties by segregating assets and smartly shielding hard earned property from creditors. We work with Lake Norman accountants and financial planners as needed to ensure that your protection is sound. LNLF has experience creating trust mechanisms, forming innovative legal entities, and deeding real estate, the combination of which functions to maintain the client’s prosperity and keep your STUFF where it belongs.

Not every client needs a comprehensive Asset Protection Plan, but every client deserves a smart estate plan. Whether that plan consists of a simple will package or a modest trust agreement that avoids the probate process and all its bureaucracy – Lake Norman Law Firm would be excited to ensure that your estate winds up where YOU want it without delay or issue for your loved ones. Our goal is always to put the client into the right plan and turn each matter around quickly in an economical way. We believe that offering an affordable and basic will package to every citizen of Lake Norman is so important that we do so for very little return – but instead as a gesture of appreciation to the community.

Real Estate Transactions and Litigation – We Deal with Dirt!

From the start our nation’s founders recognized the extreme importance of real property rights and the need to memorialize transactions and bestow good title to landowners. There’s no denying that Lake Norman is a real estate oriented marketplace, and Lake Norman Law Firm is ready and prepared to handle our client’s property needs and any litigation emerging therefrom. Whether our services are procured for a major real estate development, a simple deed draft, or a lawsuit related to YOUR DIRT we’re always honored and proud to assist the client with such an important matter.

Foreclosure Work – since the national mortgage crisis crashed into our community in 2008 along with a struggling economy, many Lake Norman citizens have endured hardship associated with their homes. Nearly everyone has been affected in some way. Mortgage bundling and securitization, government overreach, imprudent lending mechanisms, and a poor economy have all caused a sharp increase in foreclosures within our area. Lake Norman Law Firm can help citizens stay in their homes or achieve agreeable loss mitigation solutions. We are trial experienced in foreclosure matters and appeals and enjoy good relationships with both lender attorneys and banks so that we may work to reduce the client’s burdens. We are on the cutting edge with foreclosure process and defenses so that we may hold lender’s accountable. Likewise, we are in a position to help prospective purchasers and entrepreneurs navigate the unique foreclosure bidding process and ensure that transactions and title transfer go smoothly.

Corporate Formation – Small Business Friendly!

We love setting up new businesses and creating growth within our community. Our job is to get every operation, no matter its size and scope, off to a great and promising start. Lake Norman Law Firm will advise an appropriate corporate form for each unique business by learning the client’s vision and goals. Today, limited liability companies (or LLCs) function as a very clever and easy to use device for most start up businesses. We are able to turn around LLC set-ups quickly and without hassle to the business owner who has much more important things to do. Our hope is that we’ll do such a good job, that when the business prospers, the client will return to Lake Norman Law Firm for their next venture or legal need.

Appellate Advocacy – They Don’t Always Get it Right (with all due respect your Honor)…

At Lake Norman Law Firm we are uniquely experienced and skilled to deal with APPEALS. Appellate procedure, rules, and guidelines alone are difficult for attorneys to deal with much less the difficult questions of law that are at stake. In order to be competently represented for good value in an appeal before our North Carolina Appellate Courts, a client necessarily must vet the lawyer to ensure he is experienced with appellate procedure and argument. Appellate cases typically require a high degree of legal thought and also take months to litigate. Such cases require a game plan, patience, and efficient management of the case so as to meet deadlines and preserve the client’s resources. Otherwise legal bills can quickly mount, and even a victory can taste sour. LNLF has litigated multiple matters before the North Carolina Court of Appeals and knows how to start and finish a case. If you believe your initial case was decided wrongly or your attorney suggests an appeal is possible, please set up a free consult so that we may review your case.