You earned your wealth! We want you to keep it!
At Lake Norman Law Firm, we are proud of your success, so let us help you protect your assets by providing quality estate planning. Nothing pleases us more than to put together a creative and comprehensive estate plan to protect our successful community member’s assets. We know as well as anyone – we live in an overly litigious society; and during a time when economic volatility is a major concern for our producers and risk takers. However, we can help successful clients protect against overzealous litigants and economic uncertainties by segregating assets and smartly shielding hard earned property from creditors. We work with Lake Norman accountants and financial planners as needed to ensure that your protection is sound. Lake Norman Law Firm has experience creating trust mechanisms, forming innovative legal entities, and deeding real estate, the combination of which functions to maintain the client’s prosperity and keep your STUFF where it belongs.
Everyone citizen deserves an affordable will!
Not every client needs a comprehensive Asset Protection Plan, but every client deserves a smart estate plan. Whether that plan consists of a simple will package or a modest trust agreement that avoids the probate process and all its bureaucracy – Lake Norman Law Firm would be excited to ensure that your estate winds up where YOU want it without delay or issue for your loved ones. Our goal is always to put the client into the right plan and turn each matter around quickly in an economical way. We believe that offering an affordable and basic will package to every citizen of Lake Norman is so important that we do so for very little return – but instead as a gesture of appreciation to the community.